Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Day Blast

We had a fantastic holiday! There is nothing like Chinese fire power to celebrate American Independence from the British! Our friends the Beckmans came over to spend the evening with us. Lana and Bobby had a great time playing in her sand and water table.

All I know is that I will enjoy pictures like these while the kids are young and innocent. It won't be long before Justin is explaining terms and conditions of dates to Lana's boyfriends and also describing the scary details of what may happen if the boy does not agree to the terms and conditions.

Rebecca made a beautiful patriotic treat which we took with us to watch fireworks in Logaville. Thanks to the Goodrows for allowing us to be squatters on their front lawn while they were downtown for a really fantastic fireworks display. The weather was perfect and the kids had a ton of fun. The Hauerts joined us for fireworks. All the kids had fun throwing the snap and pops in the street with Matt & Christy.


Goodrow Gang said...

Is that Bobby I see cheating on Elena? I guess as long as it is with Lana, we are ok with that!