Sunday, July 20, 2008

Always something to see in the garden

There is always something to see in the garden... be it a little bug, a beautiful flower, or a strong tree or rock. I love to be in the garden. Lana seems to enjoy it too. We just want to share some pictures and thoughts of our adventures in the garden.

As this growing season began, we were on the hunt for lady bugs. Lady bugs and their larvae eat tons of pesky aphids. We found a lady bug hanging out on a peony a couple of days then she disappeared. So, we searched for her. We found many lady bugs and what we think are lady bug eggs in our big garden. They seem to like one weed in particular, I guess that's because the aphids like the same weed.

We also planted a veggie garden this year including garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkins, squash and many kinds of peppers. Lana has been a great help this year with the harvest and is getting good at identifying what veggies are ready to pick.

We enjoy picking flowers to fill our vase. We like to combine some wonderful smelling herbs with other perrenials. Lana has a great eye for picking pretty flowers. I feel that Lana already has a connection to the earth: rock and soil, water, wood and plant.


Andrea said...

What awesome pictures Amanda! I wish I had a green thumb like you, but unfortantely mine is brown ; )

Goodrow Gang said...

Your camera takes great pictures! Love the close up of the bugs. You are such a photographer! Of course, as always..the pictures of your daughter are adorable!