Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Scam 2009 is NOT a Scam!!!

Every year I refer to the local weather hype as "Snow Scam Year XXXX", but this year it wasn't hype... we actually got some nice powdery snow that came down all day long. Of course, this is so exciting for kids, so we took some time to play in it and enjoy some special treats of cookies and cocoa. Justin even suited up to grill our pork loin in the snow tonight, which is a good thing because we kept having short power outages during dinner preparations!

Lana made her first snowman and a snow-duck... well, she helped a little, mostly with the face and arms. She ate snow for the first time and drank hot cocoa for the first time! Lots of fun first today! Justin enjoyed making some menacing snowballs and was very kind not to use them against us!


Beckman Bulletin said...

Love the snow pictures!! For all weeks for our camera to break. Bobby made his first snowman too. But I have no pictures of it.

Andrea said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doubted the snow reports! How many times have we been told it was going to snow over the years only to be disappointed????

We got 6+ inches out here! I'll be posting pics and or video soon...

Tell me, was Lana's reaction to her first sip of cocoa much like eating watermelon in the summertime?

Goodrow Gang said...

The Goodrow phrase to mock is "Death Storm 2009!!!!!" Of course this must be said loudly and with loads of emphasis in each syllable. Although, we may have to adopt the new phrase, "Snow Scam 2009" Love it!