Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where did summer go?

We have been very busy for a couple of months and are a little behind on the blog. Here are some picture from our summer...

Playing with the cats: I don't know if you can see it, but Lana was running around the yard with super long string so the cats could chase it. Our male cat, Osiris, is also particularly fond of playing bubbles with Lana. If you didn't know it, all our cats got kicked outside earlier this summer. They are doing well. Of course, our Calico female, Savannah, is not a stranger to the outdoors and loves hunting. She frequently brings us grotesque but thoughtful gifts to the door: birds, squirrels, chipmunks, moles, mice, rabbits, and lizards. She is an expert.

On days that were too hot, we stayed inside to play. Lana started playing dress-up this summer. Here Lana picked out a nice hat for me to wear.

We also enjoyed some time with Mammie and Pops where Lana could play with the fish in the water feature and harass the garden gnomes and fairy. Maybe that's backwards, I think she harassed the fish and played with the magical creatures. Lana loves to make popcorn in Mammies movie-theatre style popcorn maker.